02 January 2015

nestled in warmth

These past days have been filled with glorious bouts of laziness. Days when I don't want to leave the house. So I order takeout, watch shows and movies and hangout in bed. There is something to be said about the comfort that can be found in one's home, softly nestled in the warmth of a bed. The climate outside has been a varying mix of cold and warm, dreary and rainy. And it has left me yearning for colder weather. The kind of cold that sinks into your bones and settles in, just bellow the skin, deep inside the veins. But until then, I will cherish these lazy days.


  1. i know what you mean! ever since we got our dog, i so look forward to friday nights like this, cuddled on the couch or in bed with a movie and our pup. after a workweek, the last thing i want to do is leave our pup alone again - there's plenty of time saturday and sunday for going out! so us too, lately, i've learned how much i looove being cuddled up at home, where it feels so cozy and comforting.

    1. Staying in has become one of my favourite things to do. It is definitely the best. :)

  2. Sounds like such a perfect lazy day! And I love that beadspread!
    Quiet Light Blog

    1. It truly was. We found that bedspread at Target. We had a west elm one just like it but it needed to be replaced.
