02 July 2016

My (Crazy) Little Family

Not too long ago Alex & I attempted to take a family photo. You know - me, Alex and Olive - and honestly it was slightly frustrating because Olive WOULD NOT SIT STILL. I mean what was I really expecting? When that girl isn't lounging, she's a hyper little thing.

I remember feeling so defeated with the way the photos turned out - I couldn't find a good one out of the bunch. But last night I opened up the photos and fell in love with them. Yes, they aren't perfect - I mean Olive is flying out of my arms in one of them, but I can't get enough of the photos now. They show how our crazy little family truly is: flying bun and all!

I'll cherish these photos for years to come.


  1. And cherish them you should! Such fun and so lovely!

    1. Thank you! I kind of want to tak more. Hah.
