27 March 2020

No-Mess Painting for Babies

We've been social distancing as a family for almost a week now and I've been trying to come up with fun things for our little one to do. Initially, I wanted to make my own paint so he could have fun with finger-painting (edible paint? yes, please!) but with this pandemic, I'm trying to save my flour for actually eating it. So I opted for the next best thing, no-mess painting with acrylic paints that I already had on hand.

This quick, little art project would be perfect for babies older than six months. He is currently13 months and he was still a little shy at first when it came to pushing the paint around on the canvas. He eventually warmed up to it and it looks awesome! This little art piece will definitely be one that I cherish for many years to come.

  • masking tape
  • a canvas, any size
  • acrylic paint, at least 2 different colors
  • enough plastic wrap to cover the canvas two times, plus 3 inches

  • Go ahead and squeeze little paint blobs all over the canvas. Seriously, there's no rhyme or reason to this. I just focused on having different colors evenly throughout. 
  • Take your plastic wrap and cover the entire canvas twice, making sure not to smush the paint blobs too much.
  • Tape the plastic wrap to the back of the canvas - this will prevent the paint from getting everywhere. 
Hand the canvas to your baby and let them go to town! It's as easy as that.

Pro tip: Once your baby's artwork is done drying, hang it on the wall so everyone can admire it!

1 comment :

  1. What a fun project!! You can't start getting those creative juices flowing too early! I love this!!
