I'm glad that our son won't remember any of this. All he knows is that mama and dada are home with all the time and he's happy. That's the silver lining of all this for me; that Alex & I have this time to slow down as a family together.
It's so hard to not worry about what this pandemic will do to our country, hell - the world. All the people that have already passed. It breaks my heart. I worry for my loved ones and for the people I don't even know. And what is really infuriating is the fact that there are still people out there who aren't taking this seriously.
Either way, I hope whoever is reading this is safe and well. If you personally know me and you need anything (anything at all) please don't hesitate to reach out. <3
Also - this post from @leilastead made me feel a little better. Maybe it'll do the same for you.
(((HUG))) I just can't wait until we can hug again! I miss hugging my friends. But, as the letter you shared says, a year from now this will just be a memory - a bump in the road that we got over. Enjoy that beautiful boy and have fun as a family. Busy-ness will come back soon enough.