22 March 2017

Our Wedding: Bride & Groom

Hi everyone! Today I'm back with part three of our Wedding Series - Bride & Groom. This one in particular is VERY special to me. Why you might ask, because these are the first pictures that Alex & I have as husband and wife. Every time I look at these photos I am reminded of all the love that we have for one another and my heart feels incredibly full.

I wanted to take a few moments to talk about both of our outfits, because we both put a lot of thought and consideration in to them. Neither of our outfits we're your typical "bride and groom attire" and that's exactly how we wanted it. Every piece was a perfect representation of what we had envisioned for our wedding day. And honestly, I think we did a lovely job.
I still can't get over Alex's velvet burgundy blazer. That and his combat boots! We pieced his outfit together. We found his blazer online from Bachrach and we found the rest of it around town. His pants were Kenneth Cole's and his combat boots and button shirt were found at Target. He just so happened to already have the perfect black textured tie - so he wore that. Which was a nod to my black gown. He also wore a Deadpool pin as a tie tack, his matte black and rosewood watch from Original Grain and his hematite crystal boutonniere that I had made him.
I couldn't find a single dress that I had wanted so I also pieced together my wedding gown to get the look I wanted. I found everything online. The tulle skirt was by Terani Couture and the top was by E.SSUE. The crown was handmade by my best friend Megan - she used hematite crystals to match Alex's boutonniere. I found my swarvoski triangle earrings on Etsy and Alex gave me a pair of bunny earrings that he gave me a little after we got engaged. My bracelet was my great Aunt's that my grandfather had given me many years ago. I even found my burgundy velvet shoes online too - which was a nod to Alex's blazer!
There isn't too much else to say for this installment, other than the fact that we will cherish these photos for the rest of our lives. I honestly can't wait until we turn all of the photos into a wedding book. We hope you enjoy the rest of these photos!


Next Wednesday I'll be back with the fourth and final installment of our wedding series - The Party. So stay tuned because our reception was freakin' awesome! If you're interested, you can see the previous wedding installment posts here: "Getting Ready" and "The Ceremony". For more wedding day details, head over here.

Photography: Laura Davis Photo

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